Smile Boxes delivered in North AlabamaThank you to Haley Watts for helping with the Gadsden Regional Smile Boxes. My husband, David, is from Gadsden, and we were both born in...
EAC Launch Party 2017The EAC Launch Party at KBC was a huge success! Thank you to everyone involved-the party planning committee, donors, friends, family- We...
Celebrating LifeEllis Ann would have been ONE on May 15, 2017. What I would give and do to see her at this age! We decided to celebrate and honor my...
Ellis Ann's PlaqueWe chose to purchase a plaque and azalea at the Dothan Botanical Gardens to honor our Ellis. It is a great place to visit and let Harper...
Smile BoxesFor the past two months, we have been working on creating Smile Boxes in honor of Ellis Ann to give out to other grieving parents. My...
EAC Car DecalsWe are excited to collaborate with a local small business owner for our EAC car decals. Each decal is $5.00 and the proceeds will be used...
Thank you!Thank you all for the support we have received since launching our Ellis Ann Cosby Foundation website. The emails, texts, facebook likes...